Indigenizing the University: Diverse Perspectives


Edited by Frances Widdowson


Since the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s findings, administrators, faculty members and students have heard that universities should be “Indigenized.” Concerns about the poor educational levels of many Indigenous people have resulted in the claim that “Indigenizing the university” will help to address this problem. Up until now, however, the history of colonialism has made it difficult to discuss the initiative’s implications honestly. This edited volume strives to openly examine the multiple aspects of university Indigenization. By bringing in diverse perspectives from a variety of disciplines about a number of different facets of Indigenization, it is hoped that we can better understand how current efforts will impact Indigenous peoples and universities as a whole. As truth-telling is an essential part of reconciliation, this volume helps us all in our attempts to improve post-secondary education for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.

“… Special appreciation is owed to Gerard Lucyshyn … editing this book was quite a challenge, and his dedication and professionalism were essential in putting the volume together.” – Frances Widdowson




320pp  ISBN: 09780987895486 (softcover)  09780987895493 (kindle)
Publisher/Editor: Gerard Lucyshyn
Published by: Frontier Centre for Public Policy  February 2021

Additional information

Weight 0.458 kg
Dimensions 23 × 15.25 × 1.75 cm
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