Aye aye Captain … full St-R-eam ahead!

During the June 24, 2014 council meeting, captains of the Rocky View utility industry (the councillors) rammed through the approval to spend $80,000 and put together the implementation plans for sole director Rolly Ashdown’s Aqueduct Utility Corporation.  Rocky View resident’s attention were diverted just enough so they glazed over the next agenda item, bylaw C-7380-2014.…… Continue reading Aye aye Captain … full St-R-eam ahead!

And now you know … The Rest of the Story

Aging through the past 40+ years it is interesting to recall certain phrases one hears over time, such as, “Permission to Speak, Sir!”, “Rule of Thumb”, “Don’t Panic”, “Listen Very Carefully, I Shall Say this only once”, or “Food, Money, Sex!”.  Recently, Paul Harvey’s famous radio broadcasts “The Rest of the Story” comes to mind.…… Continue reading And now you know … The Rest of the Story

All Rolled Up Into One: Municipal Marihuana Bylaws

Just in time for Christmas! Rocky View Council and the county staff are looking to spread a little bit of Christmas bud. Unanimously passing a resolution, Council has instructed the county staff to light up the new year with a draft amendment to the Land Use bylaw which will include a definition of and parameters…… Continue reading All Rolled Up Into One: Municipal Marihuana Bylaws

A State of Local Emergency

On Monday, September 10, 2012, a massive cold front swept across Alberta from the southwest to the northeast, plunging communities into darkness and sending thousands of residents seeking safety while leaving behind a path of destruction. Winds exceeding 100 km/hr fueled two huge grass fires just west of Lethbridge – States of Emergency – was…… Continue reading A State of Local Emergency

Layers, Levels, and Legislation

Elections, Elections, and more Elections. As a citizen it sometimes can become overwhelming keeping track of all the different elections, especially when several occur within short periods of time. In fact, some may even lose interest altogether in exercising their democratic right.  Between March 1, 2012 and May 31, 2012 a provincial general election will…… Continue reading Layers, Levels, and Legislation

Vicarious Experiences and Words of Wisdom

In a letter dated November 3, 2011, the new Premier of Alberta outlined her and the Alberta government’s mandate along with their expectations for the new Minister of Municipal Affairs, Doug Griffiths:  “… Innovative approaches will be needed to deliver results for Albertans. This has been started through a reorganization of government to better align…… Continue reading Vicarious Experiences and Words of Wisdom

Walk this Way

Out for a stroll, a jog, or just trying to get from one place to another on foot? As a pedestrian you have the right of safe travel on your designated portion of the road, called the sidewalk. A sidewalk is defined as a pathway that runs alongside a road and is designed to provide…… Continue reading Walk this Way

Small Town Commerce: The Road Leads into and Out of Town

As the sun blazes across the afternoon sky and begins to disappear over the horizon, the distant sounds of lawnmowers, power tools, and playing children fade away, drawing an end to another peaceful and relaxing day in Langdon. While settling in for a quiet evening, you realize that you need some good or commodity vital…… Continue reading Small Town Commerce: The Road Leads into and Out of Town

To be a town or not to be a town, that is the question

Langdon, the Good Luck Hamlet or the Good Luck Town? Back in 1975, Langdonites faced the similar question, however, it was asked in a slightly different way, should Langdon remain a town or become a hamlet? The citizens of that time, answered that they believed their community would be better served as a hamlet under…… Continue reading To be a town or not to be a town, that is the question

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